Today it was Family day. This holiday celebrates the importance of families here in Canada. So the kids don´t go to school and the parents are not working. So today we got to spent some extra time together. We went with family and friends to a Bulldogs game. Ted made us dinner after that, and then we watched some NHL and tv.

Dad is showing Cade and Jared something on the computer.

Fran helped the kids to make a sign, Cade did great.

Me and Haleigh on the way to the game.

Me and Dad at the arena.

The boys with their beautiful sign.

It was a great game to watch, Andreas played great, to bad they
lost in a shoot out, glad they got 1 point.

Some "mini stick" hockey before bedtime.
Önskar vi hade Family Day här i BC med men det är bara på östkusten ni får sån lyx ;) Lycka till i nästa match! Go Sweden!