Jul 31, 2010

Bästa killarna

Tack för en underbar vecka killar! Jag har delat med mig
av mina kunskaper och erfarenheter men fått tillbaka
dubbelt upp! Ni har kämpat och delat med er av eran glädje
och jag önskar er all lycka till med att nå era drömmar!
Vill också att alla föräldrar ska veta hur viktiga ni är
för era barn, fortsätt supporta och hejja på dem, ni är
guld värda!

Jag kom hem till Stockholm igår eftermiddag, flygningen
gick snabbt bara 35 min från Visby till Bromma. Känndes
som 5 min då jag somnade vid starten och vaknade vid

Fick bara ha ett kolli på planet då jag hade två så fick jag
hjälp av en man som tog en av mina två väskor, tack
Stefan! Mickan hämtade mig och så åkte vi och shoppade
lite och sedan åt vi ute med Mamma och John.

Jul 27, 2010


Idag, tisdag, har det varit en solig dag med massa glada
och ibland lite trötta killar. Vi har haft 2 ispass, spelat
match i landhockey och joggat ner & stretchat. Ni har
jobbat på riktigt bra killar!

Today, Tuesday, there has been a sunny day with lots
of happy and sometimes a bit tired guys. We have had
two ice sessions, played of field hockey, jogging
down and stretched. You guys did a great work!

Efter killarna var klara med sin träning var det dags för
mig att träna, det blev löpning, armhävningar och bål
träning. Underbart efteråt!

After the boys had finished their training, it was my time
to train, I was running, doing push ups and core stability.
I felt great afterwards!

Jul 26, 2010

Graip Summer Camp

The first day of hockey school in Slite is completed. The
day went fast and we had alot of fun with the junior group.
I take care of the youngest players, born 1999-05. I have
three more trainers with me, Ronnie, Anton and Martin.

I saw the sun today, lovely! I have not seen it in four days.
I stay at the shool with some of the kids/players and we
live very close to the rink, just 400 meters.

Jul 25, 2010

More pics from Gotland

I had a really fun and nice weekend with my sister Sandra,
Hanna, Anne-li, Angelica and John. We spent the weekend
in Slite and Visby. I just wish that my Mom, Dad and little
brother where here to. We have played cards & yatzy, eating
good food & ice cream, watching movies, laughing, dancing
and singing.

This week I will work at their summer hockey school in
Slite. It is also on the island Gotland, Graip summer hockey
shool. Hoping for a good week!

Jul 23, 2010


I arrived to Gotland today. It is the biggest island in Sweden and
it is very beutiful. I am going to have a rest this weekend and
continue my practice next week. We live in a beutiful house in
Tofta, Me, My sister Sandra, Hanna, Anne-li and Johns mum. John
is coming tomorrow. Hopefully he will bring the sun, we had to much
rain today.

Good night!


Jul 21, 2010

More Swish

Thanks to all of you that made Swish Hockey Camp to a
great camp! All the players, leaders, rinkrats, mothers and
fathers. Most proud of the girls who trained 40 sessions
in 10 days. I only missed 2 of them so I had a great camp
with alot of workout to.

All of us that joined the camp 2010.


Jul 18, 2010

Karate with Sandy

Yesterday we had karate on the schedule. Sandy
trained us. Last year she won the swedish-, European- and
the Wold Championships, Congratulations! We did everything
we could to be as good as possible. We have a lot to learn
when it comes to flexibility and streching.

Sandy Rantsow is redy to begin the practice with us.

We startet with different sprint races.

We competed 1 against 1 and I competed against Jeppe.

The girls were ready to start.

We did some leg workout.

Sandy shows us the agility.

Ready to hit!

Magda is receiving from Isabell.

Elin has a funny face while she is working out.

I was hard to Jeppe.

But it punished me.

The Canadien Coach Peter Smith becomes more
and more swedish.
Kevin in the dressing room.
Today I am having a day of. I have been practicing 26 times
since monday night. I am proud of myself and the girls!