It´s been some great days here in Chelyabinsk:

We played all 3 games in a new arena, the home arena for
team Traktor that plays in the KHL. We won all three
games, 12-1,7-1 and 14-1. Alot of goals, but we can
only focus on our team and on our game plan. Play our
best and get prepared for the upcoming games.

Here is some pictures from this past monday. We had a
workout at the gym and then an ice session.

My great teammates, Jana, Marina, Sveta, Mel, Kristina,
Gala, Katja and Kim.

It can look like this when I get help from my doctor. He
is lifting me up, I like the pose, haha.

Got some birthday gifts from my friends, a Russian hat,
mittens and a scarf. Love it!

My Manager Olga had a little speach for me
before dinner and I got a bouquet of roses from
my teammates.

Me with my coaches, Club director, Doctor, Manager and
Equipment manager. Thanks alot!

Wonderful roses! They smelled soooo good!

I just love the smell of fresh roses.

A happy 27 year old girl.

Kim bought me my favorite ice cream from
Mc Donalds, yummy.

Here is the best Part..

Got an whole watermelon from my Russian friends,
Katia and Gashek. They knew that watermelon is
one of my favorite things in life.

Party at Mels and Elins room

We ate so much! It was soooo good! Thanks for a great night
ladies. I appreciate those small things in life. It means alot to me!
Today, wednesday, we are heading to Ufa by train. We will take
the night train and it will take about 8 hours to get there. In Ufa,
we will play 3 more games. I am hoping for 3 great games.