Sep 13, 2011

Love life

Sandra, little sister Sandra and I at my sisters birthday party last friday.

I just wanna remind everyone to appreciate all the little things in life. The little things that make a big difference. I recived alot of great texts the last couple of days. A little text message can make me so happy. Here is one of them: Hello darling! Vill bara säga hej och att jag saknar dig. Så kul att följa dig på bloggen! Snälla, be safe! Du är en riktig kämpe- det ger respekt! Du är grym, glöm aldrig det. Kram!

I dream big and I am living my dream as a fulltime hockeyplayer, this year in Russia. I have a great family that supports me and I have lovely friends all over the world. I will have a challenging year in many ways. Life is not always easy but I will make this year great and I will get great memories for life.

Moving to Russia on Sunday, excited to start this season with my new team and to start playing games. Take care everyone!


1 comment:

  1. Take care and be safe. Hope to see you soon again.
    The best of luck and I wish you and the other Swedes the very best you can get in Russia.
