Jul 31, 2011

My week

Jordgubbar, en av mina favoriter!

Både Mamma å Pappa gjort blåbärs paj till mig i veckan, så gott med vaniljsås till!!

Flygit hem till Stockholm från Skåne.

Fått mina nya skridskor och värmt dem på Goal Hockey Shop,
så nu sitter de bra på foten. Nu fattas bara en åkyta innan jag
kan gå på is med dem.

Mina APX inne i ugnen..

Jag med min Bästa Mamma Vera.
Lilla Syster Sandra, Pappa å Jag är redo för..

..att åka lite vattenskoter!!! Så j-vla kul vi hade. En sån
skulle man vilja ha. Sandra höll i sig för kung och fosterland,
vi gasade på rätt bra och hoppade en del. Längtar tills nästa
gång jag får åka!!
Vi hälsade på utanför Drottningholm. Här är Pappa på

Grillning hos mina nära å kära. Tobbe, Karin, Marie och Daniel.
Så mysigt att sitta ute på sommarkvällarna, äta grillat å
sitta å prata å skratta å böja kapsyler, visst Daniel?!! =)

I fredags blev det en dagsutflykt till Sandhamn ute i Stockholms
skärgård. Vi tog med oss massa gott och mös hela dagen.

Här sitter vi på bryggan å njuter av solen.

Tack tjejer för en Underbar dag med massa gott!!

En liten löprunda å hopp efter massa god mat.

Vi hjälpte Karin att bygga lite kök, jag var assistent åt en gentleman
å snickare..

Idag var jag på en liten föreläsning om mental träning
med Andreas Öhgren och Cecilia Duberg. Blivande NHL
spelare och jag lyssnade och tog in all intressant information.


Nu väntar match på Råsunda, AIK-Elfsborg, sushi och trevligt
sällskap. Imorgon åker jag med Damkronorna till Gotland,Slite,
för ett träningsläger i en vecka. Sen är det 2 veckor i Slovakien
på träningsläger och sista veckan i augusti är jag i Canada och
jobbar på en hockey skola. I september flyttar jag ifrån Sverige igen
för en säsong.

Ta vara på varje dag, det gör jag!


Jul 23, 2011

Make up Store

Getting redy for a big party in Stockholm tonight. One of my friends is turning 30 today. Happy birthday Andreas!!! Sanna Bosäter and Lisa Lysén was helping me with my make up at Make up Store at Bromma Blocks. Thanks Ladies!!! Have a great saturday night / Danni

Jul 22, 2011

Coming home

It is my last day here in Landskrona, south part of Sweden. Flying home tonight from Ängelholm-Bromma. Had a great week here with all the boys and girls, you'v been practising very hard!!! I am sored and tired but also very thankful that I am doing what I love the most- playing hockey!!

This is my upcoming weeks: Week 30- relaxing and some workouts. Week 31- National Camp on Gotland/Slite. Week 32-33- Training camp with my new club team in Slovakia. Week 34- Work at at hockey camp in Canada/Newfoundland.

Tha Canadian Hockey League had the draft yesterday and I wanna wish everyone that is going to play fot the league GOOD LUCK!! www.cwhl.ca


Jul 20, 2011


Had a great day today, even though I am sooo tired. We have had 14 workouts, on ice and off ice since saturday night (in 3 days). I been practising with some great players. Here is one of them, our smallest goalie William from Denmark. He is great, loves to play hockey and he's compeeting for every puck. Love it!!!

Good night Swedes, have a great day North Americans!! Danni

Jul 19, 2011


This is my list of what I eat in one day.
This is my scedule for the week: 07.45 Wake up 08.00 Breakfast 8.30 Bus to the rink 9.30-10.40 Ice practise skills and powerskating 11.00-11.50 Off ice strenght and condition 12.15 Lunch 13.40-15.00 Ice practise tactical 15.30-16.30 off ice or theory 17.00 Dinner 18.30-20.00 Game 3x15min 20.30 Bus is leaving the rink 20.45 Evening snack 22.00 Danni is in her bed!! :) Have a great day / Danni

Jul 16, 2011


Arrived to Landskrona today. Left my Brother, Marcus, my Sister and her Lovely friends in Halmstad for a hockey camp this week. I will be a playing coach at Swish hockey camp this upcoming week, it all started today. We have boys and girls from different countries that will get together on and off the ice and become teammates and hopefully friends for life.

Have a great day / Danni

Jul 13, 2011

Happy Birthday

It's my Moms 51st Birthday today. Happy birthday Mom, thank you for everything you'v done for me. I Love you!!!

Jul 12, 2011

Heading home

Leaving our hotel in a bit. Heading back home to Sweden after a great week with 204 amazing hockey players and great staff members. Thanks guys!! Tomorrow it´s my Mom´s Birthday, we will celebrate her in Stockholm. I will have 3 days off now and then I have a another hockey camp in Landskrona (south part of Sweden) with some great players.

Me, Madelen, Line and Linnéa after our game last night, we won
4-1, lovely!!!!

Doug, Thanks for helping tejping me and
my tired feets. You´r the best!

Served meals are over, I will make my one breakfast
from now on. Last hotel breakfast in Bratislava in a couple
of minutes, can´t wait =)

Thanks IIHF for a great week!!


Jul 10, 2011

One more day

Time just flies by, I been in here in Bratislava fore almost one week now.
Met amazing players from all over the world, had some great workouts
on and off the ice, interesting meetings, great food, been enjoying the sun,
I learned alot from all of you! Thanks for sharing some
great memories!

I am trying to score at the practise.

We are listening to our coaches.

Trying to score on Kess but she makes a great save as always.

Me and Annina is battling for the puck.

Having a talk with my linemates.

Visiting our under 18 players at their hotel.

We had a body fat test the other day, they measure
how much fat we have in kg and %.

Our goals for one of our games.

We need our hockey sticks, mine is the long ones.

Annina, Kess and I at the rink today. Two great
players and great friends!!! Annina playes for team
Finland and Christina Kessler for team Canada.

Looking forward for the last day tomorrow, because we play
a game against team red at 7pm.


Jul 9, 2011

This is my life

This is how my days looks like:

Having a great time in Slovakia with my girls!