In Brunswick, Main, with our Swedish national team.
We are having a pre camp here before 4-nations cup
that starts 9th of november in St:Johns. All our team
equipment is stuck in Boston, so we have borrowed
practice jeseys from Bowdoin College. I am happy to
be at this camp with all my girls and very proud of
representing my nation Sweden.

Tre kronor-Three Crowns

Klara, I, Cissi and Emma in the dressing room.

"The real glory is beeing knocked to your knees
and then coming back. That´s real glory"
-Vince Lombardi-

The girls is taking an ice bath, to cold for me..
They say thar muscles recover faster that way.

Åsa is taking care of me and my back and neck.

From below.

Coach is having a meeting with us.

Team building, my team won the first contest and came
on 2nd place second contest, good job!

Practice on ice.

In our Bowdoin jerseys.

The gym.

I ran the off ice practise today.

We had station training with alot of core (stomach &
back), legs and balance.

Valentina is doing "the scorpion", you where
best on this one!
Gameday tomorrow against a college team.
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