It´s been a good day. I was on ice between 8-9 o´clock,
played a scrimmage (5 on 5) with a mens team. Went
home to watch a movie down in the basement, had a
2 hours naping time. Lunch, watched some hockey on
tv. Went for dinner with my friends and then to the
theater. We watched Justin Bieber´s movie in 3D.
Here is some pictures from the powerskating I run
with Ted every Thursday with the boys:
joined us on the ice. It was very appreciated by the
kids and their parents, Thank you Andreas and we
wish you the Best of Luck with Hamilton Bulldogs for
the rest of your season, lets hope that you get call up
by Montreal again soon!
of the exercises.
Thanks for coming, It is always alot of fun!
funny movie.
Me in my new favorite hood.
bread. It tasted delicious, Thank´s Dena!
Me, Linnéa and Dena at the 3D movie today.
never been a big fan of him even though I like his songs.
I got the opportunity to hear about the story of his life.
Every human has their own unique story and this was
defenitly one of them. It was about how he became a
famous artist, found on you-tube and how hard he worked to
get there. How he is living his dream and appreciate all of it.
I will never say never
I will never say never
Awesome To See Those Pictures of The Hockey Practice.